People like that
Do you know people like that in your community?
:- Doug.
Do you know people like that in your community?
:- Doug.
What’s a truth you learned this week?
:- Doug.
What is the highest dream we can have for this world?
:- Doug.
What do you suppose is G*d’s dream for this world?
:- Doug.
You are cordially invited to engage our world.
Our work is hosting conversations to make our world work for all.
:- Doug.
The more we engage, the more we engage.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 783
The challenge to thinking about a gift economy is that we get caught in snares of thinking How can I get mine—my food, clothing, shelter, transportation, conversation? Maybe we need to be thinking How can I give mine—away, faster, bigger, for more good for more people?
This is exactly the meaning of “the Queendom of G-d:” this is the cosmos where the divine human plays! Seek first this Queendom, its expansion (not beating people into signing a particular oath), and all the things you worry about will take care of themselves, because it works for you, too!
Oh you of little vision!
Please pass it on.
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Weave is love.
:- Doug.
Credo for today: I give my heart to G?d:
G?d is human. G?d is made up of humans. G?d is larger than any human. G?d is larger than humans. G?d is beyond noun and verb. G?d is not thing. G?d is action and more. G?d is weave. G?d is relation. G?d is between.
:- Doug.
Keep settin’ ’em
Till you
Stop gettin’ ’em!
:- Doug.