all are capable
Acting together, all are capable of the universe.
:- Doug.

We are on vacation and the world has been turning without us. Yet in all truth, the world needs us to turn. To turn ourselves, to turn the world, to turn the world by turning us.
:- Doug.
This is love, to live the paradox of meeting. It is frustrating and fulfilling, it goes where you want and don’t want.
:- Doug.
Believe in all people. Each one can meet. Each two can change the world. Believe in the one born of meeting. Love each one, each two. The one born of meeting is the son, the daughter, of G*d: THE Word, THE dialogue. Unlimited exclusivity and unlimited inclusivity. Perhaps limited on this planet. Perhaps not limited as G*d.
:- Doug.
G-d is inevitable
spontaneous inevitability
For this reason so are we
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 771
Make use of your foresight—
Fore-see the world we want
Forth-see the world we wantDon’t be content just seeing
the way things are
See the world the way it could beThen roll up your sleeves—
Please pass it on.
© c 2007, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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We are given the right to choose what world our grandchildren will live in. What do we choose?
:- Doug.
What do the words mean, Greater things than I will you do—in our lives?
:- Doug.
There is no preparation
for conversation
take the person as
he or she comes
meet and be met
:- Doug.
Did Jesus really say “No one comes to the Father but by me?” Or were these words put in his mouth by another? By their fruits you shall know them, so what fruits are of this saying? Wars and crusades of death by some of G-d’s children against others. Are these the fruits of a G-d of love?
Was Jesus, the image of the Father, a person who excluded any people? Children, women, nationalities, occupations, sinners, even wealthy and powerful? Then neither should we. Did he free people? Then so shall we.
:- Doug.
G*d is
distributed and entangled
with us inseparable
enfolded as the living yeast
with the nurturing dough
:- Doug.
Why is there a tuggle between the structure and control people and the openness and freedom people? First, “different strokes for different folks”–some people really do need more control/openness/whatever you can name, as strange as that might seem to you. Second, there are outer limits to the orbit of human culture: there is a dance between passion and responsibility, and as each swings his or her partner out the dance also pulls the partner into the embrace. So it is necessary for us to hold our position and equally to allow our partner to hold his or hers.
:- Doug.
Move toward what makes us nervous—it is a cue for something new that wants to happen.
:- Doug.
Planting seeds is the work. Harvesting is a matter of whatever grows is beyond our control but not our influence. Sun, rain, heat, thunder, and varmints all have influence, too. Plant the seeds, tend them, give them to the world. They plant seeds too.
A forest can be carried in your pocket, in seed.
:- Doug.
How is it that small changes can lead to wholly different outcomes? It must be that we live very close to, without touching, the profound. If we merely look close by to our bedrock, we find ourselves choosing generosity over selfishness, creativity over grabbing, life birthing over bored killing. Look and stretch.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 770
Jesus was here not to promote faith in himself but to give us a new worldview that we might live a more abundant life. That worldview? Us alive.
This is what Jesus was about—helping us see the world differently, see G*d closer and larger, see ourselves larger.
Please pass it on.
© c 2007, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
You see some things
others do not
It is your duty
to share
when it can help
:- Doug.
Humor connects us on a deeper level than everyday surface chit-chat or exchanges of dry information. This is why we are drawn to humor and comedy: it hears us.
:- Doug.
Conversation requires the hearer to be open to the between, to perhaps even call forth the speaking Thou: the hearer has a responsibility. This is a corollary of Faith comes in through the ears: the ears call forth what is inside the person so that the speaking Thou can hear him or her self. Now we see that the ears call forth the speaking Thou so he or she can speak forth his or her self. Expression now is not of any individual self but of the between-self.
Either party can close the door to communication. The hearer cannot always be expected to consciously draw forth the speaking Thou. Nonetheless, the hearing I bears responsibility for the turning that comes: turning away or turning toward. In situations where there is a shield or filter up, the speaking Thou either must redouble his or her efforts, or choose to go elsewhere. The latter may be necessary at some point; the former fits many times. But the speaking Thou must see what is going on, be alert to it, attend to it, intend the turning.
:- Doug.