loose connections…fuzzy logic…immediacy
Loose connections and fuzzy logic and immediacy: this is the stuff of meeting and imagination and life! This is the stuff of the bee and the butterfly and the breeze!
:- Doug.

Loose connections and fuzzy logic and immediacy: this is the stuff of meeting and imagination and life! This is the stuff of the bee and the butterfly and the breeze!
:- Doug.
Let us be about meeting the world, which is the body of G-d. Let us touch. Let us be about touching and being held in arms. Embody, for the body is the soul. Use some four letter words, like held, body, soul, hand, hear, hugg!
:- Doug.
We are not talking, we are conversing, and that is a vastly different thing. We are meeting. We are betweening. We are opening the I and the Thou to intimate change; we are conceiving a third person in between; and all three of us are working on the things and the persons in our world. Our work on them is effective because all three of us have a field of influence, and our ideas and imaginations are the very seeds of effort.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 774
Lost touch
The elder in the nursing home
alone, craving hands
that mean him or her
instead gets efficiency
and more isolation
these years her last
to make right a babyhood
left alone
in crib or playpen
fenced off
from father’s mother’s sister’s brother’s
adult years holding
the world at bay
with a handshake
being taught to fear hugs
but never quite learning
touch is what she needed
all life long
please touch me
the man of enterprise
“builds” an “organization” of souls
but fears to touch them
and more to let them touch him
until he reaches the same nursing home
and sees the potential he
left dying at his door
please touch me now
Please pass it on.
© c 2007, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
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To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com
The expanding eyes
of humankind
bring into being:
imagination demands
:- Doug.
The universal home is ready for us to inhabit
We walk through it unseeing each day
Or we could choose a hell
All just here and in between
:- Doug.
Let us shape a conscious vision out of life
Form an actual being from our becoming
Putting to work what we are seeing—
The larger body of humanity
Is the human form of G*d
:- Doug.
G*d is no holy knife, cutting right from wrong
(Stay away from that tree!)
rather seeds in us and spreads manure upon
divine imagination
:- Doug.
You think you know
what’s good and what’s evil
that is what kills
says G*d
kills imagination
our life
:- Doug.
This is the sign
here is how you will know—
—Humans are beginning to dream.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 773
What is the magic whispered into the breast of a human that lets it see beauty in the distraught woman, kindness in the heart of an angry man, creativity in the hands of a “common” laborer?
Please pass it on.
© c 2007, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com
In the beginning is conversation
and the conversation is with G-d
and the between is G-d
All things are imagined in conversation
and nothing is imagined without conversation
Conversation is the life of humankind
and the life is the light in the darkness
and the darkness cannot grasp it
:- Doug.
In the between
is the conversation
and the conversation is with G-d
and the between is G-d:
All things come into being through relation
and apart from conversation nothing comes into being.
In conversation is life,
and life is the light of humans.
The light shines in the darkness
and darkness does not comprehend it.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 772
We were taught by the early church, and are still taught by the modern one, that we cannot be trusted. We have no worthy direct experience of God nor ourselves. Only those with the credentials and robes can intermediate ourselves and our God for us. Beneath our veneer, we were told long ago and so still believe, we are vile, corrupt, faulty, sin-full. If we explore we will find only monsters. Lies! We explore and find beneath the robes and behind the curtain only good people like us, in all ways people like us. Some have experience with God and self and some do not. God comes to us, too. We are good because we are of God.
Please pass it on.
© c 2007, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com
Do you see? This meeting is a maelstrom of ideas, meaning and creativity working itself into patterns and flows so as to make a new world.
:- Doug.
Inclusion includes separation; separation excludes. Life is inclusive, death exclusive. Paradoxically, life requires a choice to include; death can be assented to unconsciously. Love therefore can embrace hate and fear.
Love can embrace dichotomies and separation—even those it fosters but abhors. Both/and includes either/or. Love includes standing in the face of the other. Inclusivity and exclusivity are not necessarily opposed.
We need to include among the included ourselves as well.
Inclusion is life and love; exclusion is death and fear. What’s important is to keep in heart you are always drawing in to your embrace. We are not called to be forever double-sweet—we must take a stand—but we are to take our stand out of a foundation of drawing in. Be kind.
:- Doug.
G-d is flow
G-d is imagination flowing
Love flowing
Life emerging green and flesh
Conversation coursing
Flow is
:- Doug.
People can change the world. The world ever changes. People can… and must….
:- Doug.
We can choose to live in three worlds: memory, which is simply us manipulating the past in a singular brain; here and now, which simply is, is not malleable, and therefore is fate; imagination, which is doing the good we choose. So to choose among these worlds implies that we choose imagination, because it is the only one that involves active choice.
:- Doug.