Imagination beyond a collection
In our imagination is beyond a collection of mes. There is an us, besides: more than a simple sum. There is a multiplication, too, and a trigonometry and an algebra and many calculi.
:- Doug.

In our imagination is beyond a collection of mes. There is an us, besides: more than a simple sum. There is a multiplication, too, and a trigonometry and an algebra and many calculi.
:- Doug.
The best that can be
thought or said
painted or composed
is ever in the reach
—singly & within the groups—
of every person
:- Doug.
Poets do not know
the fullest meaning of their works
(only professors do!)
what readers bring is part—
even then the poem remains pregnant
Persons do not know
the fullest meaning of their minds
(only their minds are of the universal imagination!)
it takes a community too—
and even then the minds remain pregnant
:- Doug.
Poets know not
full meanings
of their jottings:
universal imagination
stirred in
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 776
What if we each had kaleidoscopes with which to see people and their various colors and textures and viewpoints and imaginations—shaken, nudged, and rearranged with others? What would be possible to see, and to do?
Please pass it on.
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