beyond dogmatism
We must get beyond dogmatism or we will surely die. We will kill each other off. We will strangle our imaginations. Same thing.
:- Doug.

We must get beyond dogmatism or we will surely die. We will kill each other off. We will strangle our imaginations. Same thing.
:- Doug.
Not conservation but working within is best. We cannot go back and become ancient tribes again. Nor would it be good to preserve something solely because it exists. Neither is it good to throw it away because it is in our way. Nor to destroy. Weave what is into what might be. Be a friend to all coming your way. Assist. Gentle go among.
:- Doug.
Your breeze come, your fish splash, your bee buzz among us.
For yours is the fruitful breeze, and the powerful butterfly, and the beauteous bee….
:- Doug.