The age of the great synthesis
This is the age of the great synthesis: people coming together. Yet the analysts are fighting the great turning, cutting and hacking whatever and whomever comes their way.
:- Doug.

This is the age of the great synthesis: people coming together. Yet the analysts are fighting the great turning, cutting and hacking whatever and whomever comes their way.
:- Doug.
In order to move the whole we have to tug away from the center. We therefore have to move away from business as usual—not to differentiate ourselves, but to like-making—not to gain attention, but to make what’s good more.
:- Doug.
The arrow of evolution is not irreversible
it is life; it proceeds by fits and starts
recovering old ground, making the same mistakes
and the same advances
stupidities and crimes prosper
as do moments of wisdom and kindness
:- Doug.