From what I speak
I speak not out of optimism but out of process.
:- Doug.

It takes not a rosy view
to say what I have said
merely an eye on who we are
—sharers in divinity, creativity—
and a call to set about our work
I am less an optimist
and more a prophet
telling what’s possible
:- Doug.
The difficulty with our ability to meet productively has less to do with the people and more with how we meet and with what intention. Do we meet from habit or because the boss or the culture requires it? Then we do not meet. Or do we meet with a common aim and common guidelines in mind and heart? Do we say what we are about and raise our sights, expectations and hope? We could and then more is possible.
:- Doug.
Have you fallen for the common trap
thinking me an optimist?
Never have I joined that club
nor more than thrice attended
Were to me the world a rosy playground
I’d take the side of the pointed thorns
against those mothers who seek to protect
their children from life and imagination
For we have only ourselves and no guarantee
that the risks we take and the sweat we invest
will ever end
Surely those who oppose us
will be abetted by masses who don’t care
Still we have only ourselves and no guarantee
There is work to be done so let’s get to it
:- Doug.