Expertise can express itself as a question.
:- Doug.

Footprints in the Windsm # 752
The human mind encompasses more than one brain. What could that mean to you, if you lived it?
Please pass it on.
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Blake sees Jesus as the quintessential imagination-freeing person; Buber sees Jesus as the quintessential dialogic person. Both are saying the same thing: that dialogue and imagination are ways of turning the world. Imagination in dialogue is the key. Imagination is released through conversation, and so the world is turned, is unfolded, a new Heaven and a new Earth is begun. How can you have imagination except in dialogue? It must be communicated—sent and received. Then it grows. Then it has its opportunity to change the world. Imagination stuck in one person’s head is nothing more than memory. The key to both is engaging the world and the persons in it. Blake’s imagination is not simply working with things, but meeting people, freeing them to act. Buber’s dialogue is meeting people, freeing them to be and to act.
Imagination in dialogue: creating the world we want; being the person we want to meet.
Whom do I want to meet tonight? A person who is full of imagination and meeting. Imagination in meeting. Imagination meeting.
:- Doug.