Loose connectings, looking laterally…
Loose connectings, looking laterally, fuzzy logic, common endeavor: what do we have? We have creating, changing, emerging, transforming, evolving: conscious evolution.
:- Doug.

Loose connectings, looking laterally, fuzzy logic, common endeavor: what do we have? We have creating, changing, emerging, transforming, evolving: conscious evolution.
:- Doug.
The number of possible solutions—loosenings—that any group can produce is infinite. The number an individual can produce is less, but still infinite, given ample time. The group reduces the time and expands the number of solutions. The group increases the likelihood that action will arise from the solutions produced.
:- Doug.
Approach others not as if fighting against the system and its perpetrators, but as working with a friend to find the way.
Enlist the others in the evolution.
:- Doug.
Emergence of persons: this is significant. It is persons emerging from the meeting. It is persons who are whole, complete, and therefore engaged in their lives and world. It is persons engaged in our evolution. Persons emerging.
I am person emerging. I emerge most wholly from meeting, because I am freely fully contributed and we are fully engaged. Life is emerging, through you and me.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 741
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