Action of relation
Love is the desire for relation. More than that, love is the action of relation.
:- Doug.

Love is the desire for relation. More than that, love is the action of relation.
:- Doug.
To our good friends–
Like it or not, admit it or not, this is what even business is about: reaching for the reaching back. Make it larger. Wanting to hold my land and all that touches it. It may be mis-apprehended, but it is the base of the greed (greed is daughter to love?!), and of the desire to conquer and subdue (fear is daughter to love? shadow to love?). Apprehension then is a reaching for the reaching back, but often forgets that what is primary is the reach back, not the grasp. We are therefore not even here to serve one another: bedrock is the need to be touched. Are you therefore only touched with the gold of another’s purse, or their being? What do you really need, a mansion or to be respected, apprehended for who you are?
Yes, I am striking at the very base of the tree grafted to the root of modern business. But business could move back to its root and grow stronger on the main stem of that root. What might that be? I do not know; that is for people to grow themselves. What it seems to me is the idea of helping one another on a wide scale: creating wealth and health and prosperity for humanity. This is the root of business: humanity.
:- Doug.
It is time to move beyond the vicarious intimacy of TV, radio, music and plays to the real: living our own, writing and singing our own.
:- Doug.
To our good friends–
In beginning is reciprocity. In fact, beginning is reciprocity. Buber says that first comes the desire for relation. This is reciprocity, this is love. G*d is love, G*d is reciprocity. From this all creation flows. It must flow from this: reciprocity births emergence. This is what Chris Corrigan speaks of (# 65): “our own capacities to connect and create emergence with others….” Emergence happens from the primary desire to relate, to be part. We long to be part of another, one another, a larger whole. This is our deepest, most primal longing. To be intimate.
We are reaching for the reaching back. This is why it was necessary that G*d create creation. It is inevitable. Creation, that is bringing forth the reaching back, emanates from the reaching forth. Primal is love. It is urge and necessity. It is truth. By reaching forth the reaching back sprang—and ever springs—forth toward G*d.
Why does there have to be anything, any G*d, is a mystery. Perhaps there is no necessity to it at all. But when there is one, this one must be love, this one must be a reaching for the reaching back.
It is happening now, this springing forth, this reaching for you—and more than that, reaching for us. Reaching for intimacy as action, reaching out, reaching out, embracing, seeking wider embracing.
:- Doug.
is reciprocal
and the reciprocal is of G-d
and the reciprocal is G-d
all things emerge through the reciprocal
and without the reciprocal does not anything
in the reciprocal is life
and the life is the light of humankind
the light shines now in the darkness
and the darkness does not apprehend the light
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 732
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Reciprocity is basic. In the beginning is reciprocity. Out of reciprocity emergence. All creation flows from here.
:- Doug.