Speaking together we can be in meditation
Speaking together we can be in meditation
perhaps even contemplation:
fully present,
we are,
we can,
emerging One
:- Doug.

Speaking together we can be in meditation
perhaps even contemplation:
fully present,
we are,
we can,
emerging One
:- Doug.
A community of practice is something a little more specific, a little more community-oriented than a network. It is more than a knowledge bank: it is a knowledge factory; a wisdom works; a village center. It is movement: seething, working, roiling, boiling.
:- Doug.
Let us have a true conference—let us confer with one another. The root meaning is to carry together. Let us carry the burden ourselves, the work of making the world better. Sitting and having another do to us does little to further the work of the world—it is still up to us.
:- Doug.
There is danger in trying to say too much about what we expect to emerge from a meeting: we may circumscribe the possibilities. Instead remember the definition of emergence: something coming out that does not look like what went in, something unexpected arising. What we need to encourage is circumspice: looking about us to see of what we might be capable.
:- Doug.
I have only one thing to give you:
Hear this now before it is too late
you are essential
I have only one thing to give you:
:- Doug.
Poetry is conversation
What the poet says
what the poem means
is not up to just the song maker
but the reader and the hearer
add meaning, speak back
hand to hand to hand it grows
poem, writer, hearer
all pull emergence out
three dancers turning
a conversation
Conversation is poetry
bottom to top
is true too
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 731
We can only be present for each other. Stand by each other. Be there. Words don’t do it—they often ring hollow. Intention behind the words helps. But being there, meeting, being to being: this is what it is about. Completing our presence.
Please pass it on.
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