through the day
I will meet you through the day.
:- Doug.

Even saying we want to have conversations at least turns the conversations into things, turns me away from people. Perhaps in this society we talk about things to break the ice—or to form it.
:- Doug.
Most of us take the fork in the road.
With the fork we eat our meet?
:- Doug.
Some of our formulae, like “In the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost” get in the way of meeting. They put a crust between us. We need to break through. This is a needed disorganizing.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 737
The work is to meet. Simply meet. That makes change. That births persons. Simply meet. That disorganizes communities.
We are about organization too much. What does Buber say? “The world that is ordered is not the world order.” We need to disorganize, get out of our boxes and ovals and lines and charts and meet. When we meet, new things emerge.
Simply meet. Emergence happens.
Please pass it on.
© c 2007, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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When you are only a half person and you come across one who is whole, how would you ever see him or her? The whole person would see you, of course, and hear you, although you could not hear him or her.
You are a half person when you are complete in yourself, when you see your world as composed of Its. You are a whole person when you are part with others in a larger life, seeing yourself as extended and opened by others known and met.
In one instance you are dying, in the other aborning. In one your dying senses shrivel in—how could you touch? In the whole you reach out and are often met.
When half you cannot see the whole in front of your face; when whole you see half and whole: how are the two to speak?
:- Doug.
Yes, if we share ideas
now each has two—
yet truth is strange:
a third may emerge
more significant than
the ones we brought
:- Doug.
Touching, participating: these are the same. We partake of each other and the in between, which is the eternal, the life. I am the way the truth and the life is not what it seems, a statement of the I am, but instead a definition: the way is not just a way but is the essence of G*d. Life is G*d. What you call truth is a piece of G*d. Touching, participating in G*d are we, when we are subjective: open, part of the whole, integral, essential.
:- Doug.
Just because you cannot think of G*d as bigger than that, please don’t hold back others who do
If you see God as a man on a throne, fine
If she sees G-d as a principle, fine
If he sees G-d as a field, fine
If another sees G*d as unseeable, fine
If another sees G*d as all we see and cannot see, fine
If one sees G*d as steam, coming up from the ground, fine
If one sees G*d as nothing, fine
And true
:- Doug.
Goal setting is fine for empty things, but authenticity, meaning and love require a You. You fills.
:- Doug.
We go out to meeting, never knowing if anyone will meet us. Yet in the possibility of meeting is hope. Only here do we find love, authenticity, meaning.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 736
Tell me your dream. Tell me your dream for this place, your people, your grandchildren. Even if you think the job is done, does your dream?
Please pass it on.
© c 2007, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
Goal setting is of the It world and seeks to convert You to It. It is something to be numbered, things to be done, Its to organize, Its to be carved as notches in the handle of our revolver.
:- Doug.
How is something we do to It; You is meeting me as I am meeting You: both could be seen as doing to the other and being done by the other, but what is really happening is both are meeting and being transformed by the meeting. No thing and no one is doing the transforming, it is the reaction of them not so much to each other as to the meeting. The meeting is not even a catalyst for it is totally used up. It never returns. The only way we can be free is to meet. There is a How, but it is of the It world. In the You world there is only meeting. “All real life is meeting.”
:- Doug.