Conversations of conversations
What are the conversations of conversations? See a web of webs, a universe of universes. What do you see? Who are we now?
:- Doug.
What are the conversations of conversations? See a web of webs, a universe of universes. What do you see? Who are we now?
:- Doug.
What is true now? It is hazy outside. A thin fog is settling down, moving around like a dog to find the best place on the pillow. It is near 50 degrees, there is a drizzle. I feel like fog, settling, settling, ready for rest, ready for softness, ready to flow.
Fog flows gently, turns aside or soaks anything in its path: it does not matter, there is a place. Fog has its ways. Fog is good. Fog causes us to stop our thinking, to go slower, to drop our agendas. To an agenda, fog gets in the way. Fog does not bother itself about agendas, they are and they are not, and either way, it matters not to fog. What good is an agenda anyway, especially if you cannot enjoy the fog?
Somewhere the rain is making ping ping ping. The rain on the roof tells me everything is OK, everything is as it should be, everyping. God right here, fog in my fog.
This little maple, naked in the late autumn fog, seems pleased to have this loose fitting garment to hug. Pitter patter.
:- Doug.
Anger, a politician told me, gets people to the polls. But I wonder do they vote well? Are their votes informed? Do they try to decide what is best for their neighbors? I suspect they do take it seriously, more seriously than the politicians treat them as being.
Angry voters vote as well as they can, but they are treated, not as people, but things. They are treated as objects to be manipulated.
It is not just an affront: if voters are things to be manipulated, then constituents are soon ignoramuses to be avoided, cattle to be herded. Who cares if you cheat them? They are not real, anyway.
Angry voters vote: this says volumes about the speaker. For to him, these are voters: labels, things. Far from people.
Of course, we help to bring this on ourselves. We talk about “those people in Washington,” and influencing “the Congressman.” We don’t see them as real persons, either.
So what is the answer? Would that we could sit down and have a heart to heart with this man or woman representing us, while in office, while a candidate. We cannot do that easily: there are too many of us. (But think if Barbara Walters or a skilled conversationalist engaged them on a television show, and got their first person fears and quandaries and dreams out.) We cannot do that easily: the habits of how we interact with public officials get in the way: we are so used to debate and yelling that we think there is no other way. There is.
:- Doug.
I do not know
if I am a seeker:
I am a finder
of G*d all about
Maybe I am a seeker
for G*d in more people
in more places
:- Doug.
Be the good
Be the fruit
Be the water
What can this mean?
Water flows
Good is
Fruit nourishes
Still. Reflect.
There is more
Flow Be Real
:- Doug.