Last night a grandfather
Last night a grandfather
who has cancer
was down on the floor
playing with his grandchildren
in his selfishness to touch life
he gives life
:- Doug.

Last night a grandfather
who has cancer
was down on the floor
playing with his grandchildren
in his selfishness to touch life
he gives life
:- Doug.
Evil violence is afoot all over our world
terrorists and counter terrorists
torture to interrogate
politicians vicious
our hearts afraid of every package
every person new or strange
:- Doug.
I see something new, profound
many a day
it is because of
the road without end
:- Doug.
A road to which there is no end
we blindly see what is within us, around us
if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves
comes from a time when people focused on sin
they could, we could, focus on life
remember I set before you life and death
choose life
life is the road which goes on for ever
not the road to G*d; G*d is the road
This! This is the road less traveled because
:- Doug.
Do the work set before us;
the results are not in our hands
so why hold the air
with a death grip?
:- Doug.
What would we like to see come out of this meeting?
Do we want them to link their callings to this project?
:- Doug.
You are a good friend
looking for news you can use
or which can use you
:- Doug.