The first snow
The first snow
brings smiles
:- Doug.
The first snow
brings smiles
:- Doug.
Empty me
that I might be filled with you
Empty me
that I might be open
Empty us
that we might be
:- Doug.
The space we open
seems negative
is supple
so we meet all together
:- Doug.
After you ask
What is happening
in our conversation?
then, lightly,
What is not happening?
:- Doug.
We are
here to hear
:- Doug.
Do I have the courage to be silent? If I just sit there, empty…. If I simply attract the reflection, the questions, the conversation…. Silence producing conversation….
:- Doug.
Chaos is our word for
what’s enfolded and unfolding
in front of us
so much we cannot make sense
it is all here
we can pick and choose
the rest will enfold again
to unfold another day
another way
:- Doug.
All is returning
to our beginning
the returnal
:- Doug.
Our work: Meet, rip, swirl. By Meeting we rip. By ripping we swirl. By swirling we meet.
:- Doug.
What does this mean in living it out? It means meaning each other and letting ourselves be meant. It means meaning meeting. Meeting means creativity, that is, transformation. The destination, destiny, transformation of persons and redemption of the world needs me and awaits me. I do not decide it, but its tapestry needs my thread.
:- Doug.
Our being, this gossamer, is neither wholly us nor wholly other. It is the between. We bring transformation within our being.
:- Doug.
One on one
Jesus the example
Suggests this difficult path for each:
Meet with our whole being,
Even if the other does not.
:- Doug.
The poet does not intervene, but meets. The Tao’s sage meets with being, not with effort. Being meets being, and in that meeting, people change themselves.
So this is the stance, the meeting, of the poet with the world: to meet being with being, to allow, to be part of the swirl, knowing that G*d needs the life, death and deed of each of us.
:- Doug.
The physicists it seems can no longer define matter. All the swirling particles and nothing in between. This is who we are as humans: nothing in between. Swirling is who we are. So get on with it: get on with the swirling. We were never meant to be nouns, things, static. We are no-things, dynamics rather. Not even verbs, we are relation, pure relation, as if an electron is not an electron without a proton and a neutron. Rather it is the relation one to the other and more, the relation of the relations as they swirl among
:- Doug.