just because they’re different
Just because they’re different
does not mean you’re better
just unfamiliar
:- Doug.
Just because they’re different
does not mean you’re better
just unfamiliar
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 711
This morning
no book reading
instead reading G*d
Please pass it on.
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Think Johnny Appleseed, Jesus, Peace Pilgrim. Only we are not planting; we are uncovering seedlings. When they are seen and given space, when you are heard, the world grows. By just that much. Wander. Uncover the bright and greening.
:- Doug.
In conversation persons say themselves
sell not some proposition rather
tell of themselves
(sometimes just for their own ears)
care not if others agree
—some of this is pure exploration—
or even respond
for the response they need
is to be heard
:- Doug.
Cars before dawn
chasing the light
that stays just ahead
:- Doug.
You are a bright spot for the world. The role of conversation is to open a door to seeing this light—and putting it to work. It is a generosity of curiosity. My work is curiously seeking out your sparkle and helping you set it loose upon the world. It is not about fighting uphill to make you do what you don’t want, but helping you make real your best. My spirit is generous—I have to give.
:- Doug.