Mirror, mirror
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the nastiest of them all?
Nasty’s what we want in Congress
To our future we are speeding
Hate and malice we are seeding
Toward the vicious is our progress
:- Doug.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the nastiest of them all?
Nasty’s what we want in Congress
To our future we are speeding
Hate and malice we are seeding
Toward the vicious is our progress
:- Doug.
Have a conversational day!
:- Doug.
It is—what? interesting?—to see
what comes out of my pen
accept the starting line
tell the truth
if I could do that in conversation
where might we go?
:- Doug.
Election time falls upon us
a mugger in the night
all we can do is hope
soon it will all be over
All those nasty ads
show us what kind of government
these candidates will give us
—one which prizes nastiness
We are not a nasty people
O, what to do?
Do not vote for the nasty
or vote for the least nasty
and you and your group
find a way to tell ’em
we do not want government
of the nasty, by the nasty,
for the nasty
:- Doug.
When candidates fail, voters must take charge.
:- Doug.