What would life be if we didn’t constantly try new things?
:- Doug.
What would life be if we didn’t constantly try new things?
:- Doug.
The old questions get in our way. Find new questions.
:- Doug.
The process of writing allows me
slowness and searching
so I can be stalked by sinuous
mysterious truths
:- Doug.
I finally saw why women of the Old Testament felt themselves less than whole if they had no children: if you cannot produce offspring for the world, you are profoundly incomplete. Opening and bearing are the quintessential way to be human and real.
:- Doug.
Stroke, shape and nurture so long
yet finally you must
set your poetry free
to mate
So it may produce its offspring
:- Doug.
Set loose the power of your poetry
show it on earth
invite the people to participate
:- Doug.
Look for the poetry in the dilemma
the dilemma in the poetry
:- Doug.
Listen for the music in what people say:
“There is something poetic in that.”
:- Doug.
The dilemma of life is
knowing you have poetry in you
and being convinced it is not as worthy
as the boring stuff
:- Doug.
Life is simple:
get out and do something for us.
:- Doug.