Last night a grandfather
Last night a grandfather
who has cancer
was down on the floor
playing with his grandchildren
in his selfishness to touch life
he gives life
:- Doug.

Last night a grandfather
who has cancer
was down on the floor
playing with his grandchildren
in his selfishness to touch life
he gives life
:- Doug.
Evil violence is afoot all over our world
terrorists and counter terrorists
torture to interrogate
politicians vicious
our hearts afraid of every package
every person new or strange
:- Doug.
I see something new, profound
many a day
it is because of
the road without end
:- Doug.
A road to which there is no end
we blindly see what is within us, around us
if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves
comes from a time when people focused on sin
they could, we could, focus on life
remember I set before you life and death
choose life
life is the road which goes on for ever
not the road to G*d; G*d is the road
This! This is the road less traveled because
:- Doug.
Do the work set before us;
the results are not in our hands
so why hold the air
with a death grip?
:- Doug.
What would we like to see come out of this meeting?
Do we want them to link their callings to this project?
:- Doug.
You are a good friend
looking for news you can use
or which can use you
:- Doug.
What questions remain unanswered? Could these people help?
:- Doug.
Do we want to do the audience
or do we want them to do us?
That is, to do with us?
What do they have to do with us?
:- Doug.
When calling a meeting, decide:
Is this the end of the answers
or the start of the questions?
:- Doug.
Why should we want to consciously evolve? As I thought about this late last night, I thought it a response to 2 poles: hubris and humility. Hubris in that we think we cannot improve our species; humility in that we are reluctant to try. Also, that it is necessary for the good of our grandchildren’s grandchildren.
Is there more here? What does it mean, grandchildren’s grandchildren’s good? That is too far off to imagine—and a seventh generation beside! What of our grandchildren? What can we do to make it better for them?
Do we do well to make life better for a later generation? Do we not have plenty of illness and injustice and forgotten ones in our own time? Does not changing ourselves lead to changing future generations—they see what works, they learn to meet?
But if we keep these people in mind, lovingly, do we not give meaning to our days? Is that then what this is about—a way to give meaning to our days? Are not there other ways? Of course. But do these not all point to the redemption of creation? Toward making whole?
For me it is the grey cloth and the ripping of it, the making poke holes, gentle little ways to say, This is the way, let it out, let it out! What is it? G-d.
It is wholeness then, fullness, completeness. That is what it means to me to consciously evolve. Why consciously evolve? To get beyond hubris and humility to wholeness, fullness, completeness: to G*d.
:- Doug.
Conscious evolution is people turning to one another. Turning: a good word, metanoia, returned to its roots!
Conscious evolution: choosing the direction of our future, our destination, our destiny. Is it toward coming together or coming apart? Is conscious evolution to be toward kindness or toward violence? Toward living in anger, striking and being struck, toward living isolated, or toward aiding one another as a way of life? Toward destroying all who are different from us (who is not?), or toward accepting their contributions to us?
:- Doug.
The world will act back. The spoon is stirred too: each acts upon the other, both are changed, the in between is changed, the surroundings are changed. It is all one and yet a component can affect the whole. There are no catalysts!
:- Doug.
Love is the higher of the two. Love is the genesis of law. Law is a halfway measure till we can get to the base of love. Law is a way of making love concrete and easier to apply. Law ought to be flexible, not brittle.
:- Doug.
The meal is not the food
the conversation is not the topic
these the gathering beginning
:- Doug.
There is no way to work
these dynamics of conversation
all we can do is step aside
invite and step aside
better, invite and jump in!
:- Doug.
The best way to know another is to try to
express them
once you know another you must
express them
the spiral goes round
hints of the purpose of all living
:- Doug.
Do we want people to hear the story or be the story?
Do we want people to hear our pitch or be their story?
:- Doug.