Dialogue–a skill or does it just happen?
To our good friends–
Can one become skilled in dialogue or is it something that just happens? Buber would seem to say you cannot create meeting, but you can be ready for it: wait and watch. Know what to watch for. Open and offer and be ready to welcome. Can we do more? Harrison Owen seems to say when the conditions are right, the dialogue self organizes. This suggests both waiting and preparation. The conditions of importance, conflict, diversity, complexity, urgency cannot be created: but perhaps can be heightened, can be brought to our attention. We can look for the other points of view, examine them as Bohm would for hidden assumptions. But the click, the combustion, is spontaneous. So who are those skilled at dialogue? Persons with good heads and good hearts who open them to others: people who listen for and point out similarities and wholenesses, conflicts, complexities, diversities and significance; people who listen for sparks and look for clicks; persons who trust others and self and the meeting.
:- Doug.