What is going on?
Good conversation can take out all of your energy
Good conversation can also rejuvenate you
What is going on?
:- Doug.

Good conversation can take out all of your energy
Good conversation can also rejuvenate you
What is going on?
:- Doug.
To find the common heart spaces: meaning, beauty, laughter and tears. This is what seeking conversation means for me, for now.
:- Doug.
Cultivation: that is what conversation calls for, yes? The seed is not ready grown but must do its heavy work right away: find its direction in the dark and damp, push through the compacted earth, find the sun,find something to feed upon. Then it takes months to ripen. Our tending is feeding, getting things out of the way. Some conversations we plant, some were planted by unseen hands generations ago and we are privileged to harvest and take in for our nourishment. Some grow in the wild. So we may imagine some conversations mysteriously flower, go to rich colors quickly, or that others with the same tender hand seem to die in the earth. It may be a question of the ripeness of the conversation and the persons. We need not worry ourselves but enjoy what we find and move on, planting, tending, harvesting. Or so it seems today.
:- Doug.
This important thing you want to do with your life, how would you know it?
:- Doug.
To our good friends–
In reading a wonderful book, Kim Stafford’s Early Morning, one of the things he says Bill and Dorothy Stafford taught their children was Make sure you talk to strangers.
This is good advice. It is paranoid to teach children to avoid people. After several generations of telling our children to never speak to strangers, they are dangerous, we have internalized it.
So when someone offers to connect, we fear. How are you going to find friends to share the laughs and tears with, to go to for help, if you do not talk to strangers? How indeed can we find friends if we stay away from people? In conversation’s terms, how can we ever become real if we do not meet?
Even in our scary times, this is good advice. For how do we overcome the terror except through each other?
:- Doug.