Make a poem of life
Make a poem of life
bring the parts to whole
:- Doug.
Make a poem of life
bring the parts to whole
:- Doug.
With my I am list comes paradox: I am trying to develop connection with others by expressing difference. Yet we need some difference to come together.
Say only I am. Then you have said the whole. The key is for me not to make it my observation place.
The I ams are for me not to distinguish me but to call to my mind what I am about.
:- Doug.
For a long time I have noticed that I speed from insight to insight, aha! to aha! I worried that I was flitting, missing life. It has been dawning on me recently that this is my process of growth and life. I ought therefore to welcome, invite and encourage it. Life is in the daily, and to be celebrated.
To be discovered, ferreted out. Life is bigger than I can know, all in one lifetime.
Encourage the process by full immersion living.
:- Doug.
I am a lawyer and a poet, a poet-lawyer. I wish to state the larger laws, the laws of human spirit, whereby we don’t just subsist, we live!
:- Doug.
Throw everything you have at life!
You will eventually, anyway.
More accurately, by withholding, you threw away
who you could have been.
:- Doug.
No, I do not hold this ism or that
I have no time to understand doctrines so you can classify me
Here! I’ll tell you how to classify me:
I am a lover of G*d
:- Doug.