The work is…
The work is getting to work.
:- Doug.
The work is getting to work.
:- Doug.
People don’t need leaders
to direct organize plan
—these people can do for themselves
—if it even needs doing—
people need leaders
among them
who catch and share a new large vision
who get to work
who invite others to join with.
:- Doug.
I am a community disorganizer
I invite people to change-makers’ parties
—work parties—
That’s what I like about you folks—
for I see you are change makers
you are changing your little corner of the world
—and beyond
:- Doug.
Where do body and spirit touch?
How do they move each other?
By what mechanics?
:- Doug.
Explaining how kills the joke
Hold up the inviting image
Music, festive foods, action-seeking folks
Engage and people stay to play
A “What can we do about this” party
Fun work pizza tacos pop people
Action change a better home town
A change-makers party
:- Doug.