All All
G*d is all all.
:- Doug.
G*d is all all.
:- Doug.
Why do we notice beauty? Why do we ask why? What other creature is so blessed—and cursed—to ask?
:- Doug.
The definition of life involves change.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 658
People often do not want to change anything—they have a house, food, family, and a little life—why change that? Why risk? Because that is why we are here.
Please pass it on.
© c 2006, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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I have a thousands things I want to say to you…and I find myself led to silence. First?
:- Doug.
What G*d most wants is to meet us.
:- Doug.
The road to evolving—transforming—humanity runs through asking larger questions.
:- Doug.
The business of life is living.
:- Doug.
There ought to be a turbulence meditation! Noticing the turbulence around, noticing the still point at the center, noticing your reaction to the turbulence, noticing what there is to notice, noticing. Neat! I like that!
It is not a withdrawing from, but a being fully present in. The difficulty with turbulence is that we get stuck in our reactions and our tenseness and our pain and panic and our frustrated expectations, and do not notice the rest of things. And there may be a rest in there. There is certainly silence between the notes of cacophony, and something perhaps pain-free underneath pain, and certainly quiet in the midst of running all about. If we attend.
So it is important that we attend: cooking, putting on our shoes, walking, panicking, arguing, life.
:- Doug.
Chris Corrigan was writing about two contrary ways of looking at people: some people say you cannot trust people, and some say you can: people are either essentially bad or essentially good. If you say they are bad and cannot be trusted (Original Sin) then you have the need of control and laws and punishing gods.
But then you cannot trust your own judgment on this matter, and so you cannot be sure if you can or cannot trust people. But if you say you can trust people, then you can trust your own judgment in this regard and life works.
Still it seems to me that the answer is both/and: you can trust most of the people, but there are some you cannot. The question then is what your rule of living is: to not trust anybody until proven otherwise; or to trust everybody until proven otherwise. It seems to me the latter is a more life-giving way to live. It is a choice we have, so I think it is a stance I want to adopt consciously.
:- Doug.
People will be pretty much what you expect them to be. I expect people to be generous, kind, creative, engaged, lively, connected, lovable and laughable.
:- Doug.
This is just us:
This life.
:- Doug.
A bird just landed on the rock beside the pond. She hopped down off the rock and to the edge. Looking around, she dipped her beak into the water and drank, two or three times, and then flew off.
What makes her think that water will be provided, and free? Just fly down and drink?
What makes us think that life is any more complicated than that? Just live it? Enjoy the gift?
:- Doug.
Know one another.
:- Doug.
What needs to be done?
:- Doug.
Butterflies stirring airs
starting a wind
doing their work
even though they seem to be
doing nothing.
Relax, it is happening,
the work is getting done.
Touch, flit, land, brush.
:- Doug.
Meditation is looking at what is, particularly within your own mind. Contemplation is meditating with G*d. Meeting is contemplation with other persons. Creativity, brushing and bumping increase with each step.
:- Doug.
The object is not to get anyplace. The object is to get here.
:- Doug.
What we attend grows. Attend what matters.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 657
What evidence is there that a “little” person can change the world?
Please pass it on.
© c 2006, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
We are all we’ve got—we are all there is.
:- Doug.
It’s not an idle question: you’ve lived long enough to begin to glimpse larger outlines. Can you ask a question which takes a life to answer?
:- Doug.
Who are the people in our community who are doing things that matter, asking questions that matter? Who are the weak the lost the small the Anawim who convict us of the need for justice? Where is there a need for justice, here?
:- Doug.