The keyboard and the deeper side
To my good friends–
Literacy can lead eventually to the right brain, for we learn to contact the right brain through recording harder to reach parts of the psyche, the person himself or herself, for instance with journaling and mystical writings and poetry. This is the point: harder to reach.
The left brain finds writing, particularly alphabetical, its easy playground; the right brain can play there, but needs a bit of time and perhaps effort, but can come there, too. So literacy by itself is not the problem; it is only a tool.
The keyboard has perhaps brought back the left hand into equal importance. E and S are there, I and H on the right side (the easiest Morse code letters). R, S, T are left, N is right (the letters most often called early in Wheel). The letters we use the most are equally distributed to both hands. Interesting.
:- Doug