A spark between
There is a power among you
a spark between you
do you look
do you see.
:- Doug.

If we are to grow we have to get outside ourselves. If we are to help others grow, we must invite them outside themselves, too.
The real learning takes place on the playground.
One way to invite out is to lecture to them; this is good for facts and relatively static things we need to learn. Another way is to do it for them; good for the totally helpless. Still another is to engage us together; this draws us our to invest our selves.
:- Doug.
It is possible to
join with neighbors to
make a bit of the world good
It is possible those
neighbors are of another
David dreamed the temple
Solomon built
It is for you to
reach out to
make joining real.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 640
I used to think
–as if I’ve forsworn it!–
that I am something
special in the universe
a beloved of G-d
a possessor of special talents
an unusual good heart,
then I saw
–O that I may continue to see–
that I am one among the mites
populating and working the compost heap
not a mere grain in the warehouse
but truly one of special talents
special in the universe
good heart, and beloved of G-d–
just like billions upon billions:
imagine what is possible if
we sparkle off each other.
What a wonder!
we are
Please pass it on.
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