Conversation creates the possibility…
Conversation may ultimately be about creating new minds. It is not guaranteed. it is work. But when two meet, it is possible. Creating opportunities creates possibilities for new minds.
:- Doug.

Conversation may ultimately be about creating new minds. It is not guaranteed. it is work. But when two meet, it is possible. Creating opportunities creates possibilities for new minds.
:- Doug.
Where two or more beings
draw closer
to the extent the space
in between becomes
it grows
large and
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 637
Not the ex-stream of “All for society”
Not the ex-stream of “I’m the only one who matters”
Rather the wideness of sharing.
Between, the richly colorful:
Back and forth a new river flows
Exploring, exploring,
Touching you, touching me,
Touching–being–a common hurt-nerve.
Here fecundity
And we grow–
Gardens on broad islands–
A new mind and heart–
Of which we all are essential parts.
In the stream of life we can
Stand, be swept along, or
Become flow.
Please pass it on.
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What could happen if we tried on for size another’s point of view, like new clothing? Asked questions to clarify? Truly tried to understand?
:- Doug.
Wednesday is creation day. Today: How shall I be creative? How shall I touch creation?
:- Doug.
Are goals externalist and violent? Certainly they put the emphasis on what happens out there, on a measuring stick of some sort, rather than on growth and satisfaction. Violent? To the extent that they beat us into a mold and put blinders on us to a keep us on a certain track, they surely are….
:- Doug.