People on the precipice
I’m looking for
people on the precipice
almost ready to leap
not sure who will catch them
the truth
is they will catch each other
on the way down
teach each other
to fly
:- Doug.

I’m looking for
people on the precipice
almost ready to leap
not sure who will catch them
the truth
is they will catch each other
on the way down
teach each other
to fly
:- Doug.
Persons, not customers
–not needs–
What’s working
Conversation works–
Get in that flow
answers many questions
asks more
What wants to happen?
Who has a current surging through them?
:- Doug.
When two or more meet
their bloods meet:
life meets life
and new life leaps into being!
Red liquid fire
consuming working igniting creating.
:- Doug.
I’m looking for communities who are eager to engage in conversations that matter.
:- Doug.
My real life’s work, I used to say, is fishing.
My real life’s work is reverse fishing–
releasing fish into the waters to make more
My real life’s work is fishing between
persons for the persons here created.
My real life’s work is helping
fish see water.
:- Doug.
Is it possible that the “stages” of faith are not so much a ladder as different places open to all at all times?
:- Doug.
There is in meeting, G*d.
Why do I know it?
What is the evidence to show you?
An opening out
A touch of the all there is
A light in someone’s eyes
Our picture of God is too small
–Our pictures are always too small.
:- Doug.
did we irritate the field
did we lay our bow upon a string of the web
did our conversations melt someone’s heart?
:- Doug.
You win
you lose
same thing
game over
neither plays on:
Life is not a game
you win
you lose
Death is not but loss
all people
same end
competition is not
a good metaphor
What we seek is
heart melt.
The between of us
is G*d’s food.
:- Doug.
We live in conversation. The time has come to turn our conversation toward what has heart and meaning for us.
:- Doug.
The purpose of gathering is found: to see beauty, to find what is, to make good.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 638
If there were no conversation,
would the morning dew ever come?If there were no meeting,
how would we feel a snowflake on our nose?Without dialogue,
could we still fly?No intimacy,
no butterflies?If there were words that matter,
would clocks stop?If I ever listened to your heart,
would the river throw off all dams?If we meet the great souls in you and me,
would stars become super novae and black holes?
Please pass it on.
© c 2006, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
The breath of G*d
is swirling through
in these days
in these days.
to the hint upon your cheek
breathe along.
:- Doug.
This may not be the best setting for a serious conversation. If we had the right setting for our conversation, what would be the most important thing we could converse about?
:- Doug.
Conversation may ultimately be about creating new minds. It is not guaranteed. it is work. But when two meet, it is possible. Creating opportunities creates possibilities for new minds.
:- Doug.
Where two or more beings
draw closer
to the extent the space
in between becomes
it grows
large and
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 637
Not the ex-stream of “All for society”
Not the ex-stream of “I’m the only one who matters”
Rather the wideness of sharing.
Between, the richly colorful:
Back and forth a new river flows
Exploring, exploring,
Touching you, touching me,
Touching–being–a common hurt-nerve.
Here fecundity
And we grow–
Gardens on broad islands–
A new mind and heart–
Of which we all are essential parts.
In the stream of life we can
Stand, be swept along, or
Become flow.
Please pass it on.
© c 2006, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
What could happen if we tried on for size another’s point of view, like new clothing? Asked questions to clarify? Truly tried to understand?
:- Doug.
Wednesday is creation day. Today: How shall I be creative? How shall I touch creation?
:- Doug.
Are goals externalist and violent? Certainly they put the emphasis on what happens out there, on a measuring stick of some sort, rather than on growth and satisfaction. Violent? To the extent that they beat us into a mold and put blinders on us to a keep us on a certain track, they surely are….
:- Doug.