Are we?
To my good friends–
Are we the elder brother in a far land invited to a journey of return?
:- Doug.

To my good friends–
Are we the elder brother in a far land invited to a journey of return?
:- Doug.
To my good friends–
I have seen the story of the prodigal as a story of a prodigal son and later as of a prodigal father. Today I saw the prodigal brother–one who, for sake of his own steadfast hard work, was risking throwing away from his life forever, shared love and happiness.
:- Doug.
Consider inviting a different way of seeing, a play of the imagination. Would evoking, teasing, involving be effective?
:- Doug.
Do we touch something beyond our persons?
Do we touch G-d.
Do we help each other touch G-d.
:- Doug.